Take part in ÍR Sports!

Íþróttafélag Reykjavíkur (ÍR) offers 10 sports for a wide age range.

Gymnastics -Football -Athletics -Handball -Bowling -Judo -Karate -Basketball -Skiing -Taekwondo

ÍR Youth
Children in 1stand 2ndgrades in elementary school are offered to practice up to six sports for just one fee.
Bowling –Basketball -Football -Handball –Skiing –Athletics

The children have an opportunity to get to know many sports at once and can move between sport as they like while they find the sport that suits them.
One fee of 31,000 kr. for autumn 2020.

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Leisure card
The sports and leisure grant isfor all children and adolescents aged 6-18 years, who live in Reykjavík. The grant in the form of theleisure card is 50.000 kr. annually per child/adolescent, and can be used in all sports and leisure activities.
All information about the Leisure Card is available atwww.reykjavik.is


Further informations are available through email: ir@ir.is or phone +345-587-7080.
The office is open between 10:00 and 16:00 on weekdays.

Here is a brochure on general information regarding sports in Reykjavík

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Félags- og barnamálaráðuneytið hefur opnað fyrir umsóknir á sérstökum íþrótta- og tómstundastyrkjum fyrir börn sem búa á tekjulægri heimilum þar sem markmiðið er að jafna tækifæri þeirra til þátttöku í skipulögðu íþrótta- og tómstundastarfi. Styrkirnir koma til viðbótar hefðbundnum íþrótta- og tómstundastyrkjum sveitarfélaga.
Hér að neðan má sjá stutt kynningarmyndband á 11 tungumálum! 




















Styrktaraðilar ÍR